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Charlene Vance

Research Engineer

UCD Energy and The Environment research group

Energy recycling

I hold a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ, USA) and MScs in Energy Engineering from University of Iceland (Reykjavik, Iceland) and Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden). In my master thesis, I investigated the influence of environment and design on the techno-economic and environmental performance of wave energy converters. I have also previously worked as a process engineer for a company designing waste gasification systems and as a project engineer for a company designing automotive vehicles. Most recently, I have conducted my PhD at University College Dublin in Biosystems Engineering, where I investigated the sustainability impacts of novel biorefinery supply chains and conversion technologies.

Currently, I am working as a Research Engineer at UCD for the NexSys project, where I am modelling green hydrogen production from the developing offshore wind sector in Ireland.

Charlene Vance

Organisation: Forum for Sustainability through Life Cycle Innovation (FSLCI)
Role: Member; Co-chair of Early Career Researcher Working Group

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