Eoin Syron
UCD School of Chemical and bioprocess engineering
Head researcher
I am a Chemical Engineer who through teaching and research is trying to save the world. With a research focus on the scale up and commercial application of Environmental and Energy processes my research group and I are providing evidence to both the research and wider communities on how we can make industrial scale systems more sustainable . Through validated process and system modelling along with experimental data from laboratory and pilot scale systems we are investigating topics such as The role of Gas Network infrastructure in a future decarbonized energy system. The production, storage, transport and use of Green Hydrogen. The economic production of fuel from bio-resources. The production of energy from waste streams. The recovery of nutrients from waste streams. The sustainable treatment of industrial, municipal and agricultural wastes. The use of membrane bases processes for the industrial applications.
My previous experience has included working in industry, where I worked with Veolia in both USA and France. As well as the the successful commercialization of the Memebrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor Technology, through the spin out company Oxymem Ltd.